For your review.
A digital copy will be provided for your signature prior to our first session.
You may print this for your records if you wish.
General Contract
Please initial each clause of the contract below before digitally signing.
__By signing below, you acknowledge that Nutz About Mutz (NAM) will offer behavioral advice and training techniques that are force free and utilize positive reinforcement methods. When necessary, NAM will introduce the least aversive methods necessary to achieve the desired training goals such as a verbal redirection or other behavior interrupter. It is also understood that the client must commit to working with the dog/s as directed between formal training sessions; if client does not do the "homework", we cannot expect to see results. Client further acknowledges that dogs are living, sentient beings with unique personalities and that no matter how well trained, a dog may act in unexpected ways and without warning.
__The client agrees to forgo the use of any tools, equipment, or training methods not directly approved by NAM. Using conflicting tools, equipment, or training methods can create confusion and conflict for the dog, and may undermine the success of training being provided by NAM. If it is found that the client is using tools, equipment, or methods not directly approved by NAM it is grounds for termination of the contract without refund.
__Within a group class, the client understands that dog personalities sometimes clash, and while every effort will be made to maintain a calm and friendly environment, sometimes conflicts may occur.
__The client agrees to hold Nutz About Mutz, Jody Epstein, any and all contract employees, subsidiaries, assistants, or others engaged in the training process harmless for any damage or injury to a dog, persons, or property that may occur during training sessions, or at any time thereafter that the client is utilizing training techniques and skills taught during training sessions by NAM. The client agrees that the pet owner shall be held financially responsible for any and all damage or injury that incurs a cost to repair.
__I understand a $75 NONREFUNDABLE DEPOSIT is due at the time of booking to hold my session. I understand the balance is due one week prior to the scheduled session. If we are scheduling a session within the week, I understand that the balance is due in full at the time of booking.
Group class sales are final, with no refund available after the first session
Prepaid packages have an expiration date 4 months from the date of initial purchase
Prorated refund available for unused package sessions up to seven (7) days after initial purchase. Training sessions completed will be at the full hourly rate of $150 (plus any travel fees), plus a $25 administrative fee to process refund.
48 hours' notice is required to cancel a prepaid session without penalty. Less than 48 hours' notice will result in forfeiture of that paid session. You may reschedule that session for a reschedule fee of $75 plus any associated travel fees.
Returned checks (insufficient funds) will incur a $35 return-check fee
Your signature below confirms that all information provided in the Behavior/Health/Training intake form is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, and that you have read and agree to the contract terms above.
Image & Liability Waiver
Please initial each clause of the contract below before signing
__The Client/Participant understands that attendance at a dog training/behavior session may pose some risk to themselves, members of their family, their guests, and their dog/s and expressly assume the risk of any damage or injury (to themselves, their dog/s, and/or any minors attending a dog training/behavior session with them) incurred as a result of the dog training/behavior sessions. If Client/Participant will be bringing a child/children to the session, they will be responsible for their care and appropriate supervision. In consideration of their participation in a dog training/behavior session, the Client/Participant, on behalf of themselves and any minors attending the dog training/behavior session, waive, release, and agree to hold harmless Jody Epstein and Nutz About Mutz and any and all of its employees, volunteers, agents, insurers, and successors from any and all causes of action, claims, demands, losses, injuries, and damages of any kind which may be sustained by them or their dog/s in connection with the dog training/behavior session. Client/Participant is responsible for damages caused by their dog/s and/or family members.
__If Client/Participant is bringing a dog - to minimize all risks - the Client/Participant agrees to disclose to the Trainer any danger or sensitivities their dog/s may present. The Client/Participant will immediately inform the Trainer of any situation that may provoke aggression in their dog/s and be responsible for avoiding such situations.
__I give my permission to Jody Epstein and Nutz About Mutz to use any and all footage and still photos from these training/behavior sessions of my dog and me for use in seminar, advertisements, internet video demonstrations, Facebook, Nutz About Mutz website, seminars by other professionals per Jody Epstein's permission, DVDs, or other purposes, to be included at the sole discretion of those parties, and without remuneration to me.
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